It’s Beast Wars Reissue Tigatron against War for Cybertron Kingdom Tigatron in this Transformers versus review! Captain Kyle examines both figures as beasts and bots, plus their accessories, to help YOU decide which is the better version of the character.
Tigatron was released initially in the Beast Wars line and was quite the popular character on the show. His toy version was actually an off-white color in the Kenner / Hasbro release, though he was released in Japan in a more show-accurate bright white coloration. The reissue of this toy that just came out is in rock bubble Hasbro packaging but is in the Takara color scheme.
The latest release of Tigatron (not counting the mutant version) is in the War for Cybertron Kingdom line. Using a more realistic tiger beast mode and not just recoloring Cheetor, this version is true to the character that appeared in the Netflix show.
To get these, you can try:
Beast Wars Reissue Tigatron:
WFC Kingdom Tigatron:
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