1394 posts
"Captain" Kyle Williamson is a cosplayer, actor, writer, fan and author of "The Elements of Cosplay: The Costume and Beyond." He has also interviewed hundreds of actors, authors and cosplayers and has moderated panels for conventions such as Wizard World, Retro Con, Terrificon, Farpoint and Shore Leave to name a few. You can follow him on Twitter @captainkylepa and Instagram @captainkylephilly.
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127 posts
Mae, known on the internet as Maeden, is a cosplayer, writer, editor, photographer, videographer, and whatever else she needs to be.
You can find her on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter as @MaedenArt
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308 posts
Born and raised in Yorkshire, England - Scott is very passionate about the Film and TV industry, and enjoys discussing it whenever he can. He is a life-long supporter of the Manchester United soccer team, and attends games regularly during the Premier League season. He is a great lover of travel and has visited many places over the years. In his spare time, he loves attending conventions, playing sports and getting out into nature. Scott's goal is to follow his passion for writing, explore new ways in which he can create content in the entertainment industry, and engage with like-minded people along the way.
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102 posts
As a filmmaker, writer, and artist, Ian Klink’s work includes the feature film Anybody’s Blues, the novel Lucky from New Fangle Press, and short stories for Weren't Another Way to Be: Outlaw Fiction Inspired by Waylon Jennings, The Beauty in Darkness: Illustrated Poetry Anthology, Negative Creep: A Nirvana-Inspired Anthology, A-Z of Horror: U is for Unexplained, Hellbound Books Anthology of Flash Fiction, The Creeps, Vampiress Carmilla, The Siren’s Call, and Chilling Tales For Dark Nights. Born and raised in Iowa, Klink lives in Pennsylvania where he shares his talents as a teacher of multimedia studies.
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47 posts
Jaz Bielby formerly was the Wizard World Social Media Coordinator and is currently a member of the Vancouver Master Chorale. Her skills at singing and advanced knowledge of musicals are the reason she’s called, “Fandom Spotlight's Musical Expert.” She is looking forward to her upcoming trip to New York to perform at Carnegie Hall with her current choir. A nerd since birth, a few of her favorite fandoms include the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Marvel, The Walking Dead, and True Crime. You can look forward to her future series here where she combines nerdiness and cooking!
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16 posts
Ellie Black is a poet, essayist, screenwriter, critic, and performer from the South. She’s been involved in fandom spaces for over a decade (RIP LiveJournal) and has a love/hate relationship with horror movies and the CW’s Supernatural. Find her on Twitter at @elliekblack.
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136 posts
Martin Maruri is an avid fan of pop culture and movie trivia. In his spare time, Martin loves to watch horror movies, watch baseball and spend time with his lovely girlfriend. P.S...He also loves spending time with his French Bulldog named Tobin.
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168 posts
Gabby has been obsessed with anime since she was just 9 years old, and is proud to say she has watched over 200 different series. But that’s not even her biggest claim to fame: she also lives on a farm with over 80 goats! Although anime and animals are her two favorite things in the world, she also loves music, books, and movies. Her day job is a middle school ESL teacher, and she is also a staff member at the New Jersey Renaissance Faire.
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4 posts
Tristan is an avid gamer, plus an anime and manga connoisseur. In their free time, you can probably find them playing Genshin Impact or reading the newest Shonen manga. Their favorite fandoms are My Hero Academia, Overwatch, Genshin Impact, Chainsaw Man, and Jujutsu Kaisen.
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58 posts
Hailey is a self-proclaimed bookworm and writer. While she loves to read fantasy or slice-of-life the most, their heart belongs truly to the Warrior cats book series. She has collected and read all of the books in the nearly 100-book-long (and counting) series. She's also a fan of reading Webtoons, graphic novels, and manga, as well as watching anime. When they're not writing about fandom, their day job is as a substitute teacher.
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