Join Our Team!

Are you a fan of comic books and superheroes? An anime junkie? A video gamer? Do you like collecting toys? Can’t miss the latest superhero TV show? Just love the con scene?

If you are and you feel like sharing your passion, then our team might have a spot for you!

We are looking for people to join our team. And the best thing is… you can work right from home!

Select a position or information section below to read about it!

We are looking for reporters, reviewers and writers to provide content for the site. From a news report about a convention they attended, a review about the latest movie, TV episode, comic, book or video game… or just someone to share an opinion or viewpoint about an aspect of fandom… we want it all! Compensation is purely based on traffic and revenue. Must provide writing samples. Spelling and grammar are important! Writers who cover events should also be prepared to take at least a few pictures to include with the article. (In some cases, we can solicit press passes for those covering conventions.)


Are you a budding videographer? Love to talk to people? We are looking for people who want to make videos on… pretty much anything related to fandom. Prefer to review shows, video games, toys and more on video? That works for us. Want to interview actor, artist and author guests at conventions? Perfect. We can provide support and editing for high quality videos to be placed on our YouTube channel, which will be linked from our website as well. As a YouTube partner, the majority of our videos are monetized and you would receive a portion of revenue from any video you create that we publish. Videos can be con reports, interviews, editorial/opinion pieces, reviews of products related to fandom or even comedy skits. (Guidelines will be provided.) Why build an audience on YouTube when we’ve already done it and your videos can be monetized from day one! (Video samples required. Editing assistance can be provided. Check out the interviews and videos on this site to get an idea of our video quality.)


To apply for any of these positions, please send an email to If applying for a writing position, please provide links to writing samples or attach pdf or txt files with your samples. For video positions, please provide links to video samples. For the social media position, explain your experience and provide links to social media accounts you maintain, if applicable. Just give us an idea why you would make a great team member.

We are accepting applicants from any location, though all videos and articles must be in English. As we are based in the Philadelphia area, we are definitely looking for applicants in other parts of the United States to cover events in those areas, but applicants from anywhere in the world will be considered.

– We look forward to receiving your applications and samples.