Wreck-Gar was a fun character who was introduced in the 1986 Transformers Animated movie, and we compare the original G1 version of the character to the Studio Series 86 Wreck-Gar and to the third party MFT Junkman MS24 Recyclers. Check out these versions of this odd but valuable Autobot ally!
The original G1 Wreck-Gar certainly has a nostalgic quality and is a solid toy. The Studio Series 86 is very accurate to the movie depiction of Wreck-Gar, while the Recyclers actually matches quite well to the series 3 version of the character as shown in the TV series.
If you’d like to get these, you can check:
G1 Wreck-Gar: https://ebay.us/BgftUK (eBay)
Studio Series 86 Wreck-Gar:
https://amzn.to/3ohOGBv (Amazon)
https://www.entertainmentearth.com/product/hsf0792?id=CA-607108279 (Entertainment Earth)
https://ebay.us/VYeS9V (eBay)
MFT MechFans MS24 Recyclers: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_9jt2EL (Ali Express)
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