The Transformers G1 Combaticons form Bruticus and were a force to be reckoned with when Starscream used them to attempt to take leadership of the Decepticons. This is a counterfeit of the G1 Bruticus Gift Set released in Italy and the original is considered very rare. Captain Kyle reviews this knock-off set to see how they stack up to the real deal.
The Combaticons are led by Onslaught and the others on the team are Brawl, Swindle, Blast Off, and Vortex. However, with the Italian Multiforce Trasformer set, they are called Destroyer, Bomber, Crasher, Explorer, and… Vortex. Only the helicopter didn’t get a new name. This knock-off set is a counterfeit of the original and contains all the accessories, instructions, stickers, and packaging for the team that forms Bruticus. Captain Kyle examines each one individually and then merges them to give a very thorough review.
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This product is NOT issued by Hasbro or Takara and they will take no liability in regards to it.