Cosplayer Spotlite: Sweetzhunter

This week we’re shining our spotlight on East Coast cosplayer Velvet, AKA Sweetzhunter (any pronouns)!

Tsukasa Suou from Ensemble Stars at Katsucon 2024 (photo by @/k.m.picturesque)

How long have you been a cosplayer?
I’ve been a cosplayer for around 6 years now! Although I did take a hiatus in 2020 and start cosplaying again in late 2022, so if you count the hiatus then around 4!

What got you into cosplay?
Back when I started cosplaying, TikTok was INFESTED with Danganronpa cosplayers. Danganronpa was at its peak at the time, and I was very deep into the Danganronpa rabbit hole. After seeing so many cool cosplayers on my fyp, young me wanted to be like them so bad!

Do you make, buy, or is it a combination?
I mostly buy my cosplays, however there have been a few times where I’ve made parts for cosplays or thrifted something and made it brand new!

First cosplay?
Back when I was ten, I cosplayed Chiaki Nanami [from Danganronpa] for the first time. The pictures are long gone (thank god) but as far as I can remember she was my first ever cosplay!

Latest cosplay?
My most recent cosplay was Raika Hojo from Enstars at Otakon!

Favorite thing about being a cosplayer?
Definitely going to conventions and meeting new people! Having my cosplays recognized makes my day, and I love talking to people with similar interests to me! A close second is performing in cosplay, I love being an idol and being able to perform as characters that are so dear to me!

Mayoi Ayase from Ensemble Stars in 2023

Least favorite thing?
How long it takes to get into cosplay. Sometimes, by the time I finish my makeup, it’s taken so long that I don’t even feel like cosplaying anymore!

What do you do for work outside of cosplay?
I’m a full-time student as of right now!

What are your top 3 fandoms?
Enstars, Vocaloid, and Paradox Live as of right now! But honestly it changes so often it’s hard to pick just 3!

What cosplay are you planning next?
That’s a secret that I cant tell you yet🤫

What’s one piece of advice for new cosplayers?
Cosplay who you want and however you want! There’s a lot of pressure to cosplay from popular media or to have professional costumes, but you should cosplay whatever makes you happy! Have fun with it and don’t let other people influence how you cosplay. There’s no right way to cosplay and a closet cosplay is just as valid as a canon outfit! Cosplay is an art form, so get creative and have fun!

Where can people find you on social media?
My username is @sweetzhunter on everything!! I’m active on mainly Instagram, but I also post on TikTok and Twitter!

Below is a gallery of some of our featured subject’s cosplays! (All photo credits use the photographer’s Instagram handle.)

About Gabby Bee

Gabby has been obsessed with anime since she was just 9 years old, and is proud to say she has watched over 200 different series. But that’s not even her biggest claim to fame: she also lives on a farm with over 80 goats! Although anime and animals are her two favorite things in the world, she also loves music, books, and movies. Her day job is a middle school ESL teacher, and she is also a staff member at the New Jersey Renaissance Faire.

View all posts by Gabby Bee

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