After many rumors, we can officially discuss WB’s answer to Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl–MultiVersus. MultiVersus is a free-for-all fighting game featuring your favorite characters from Warner Media’s vast IPs. Today, November 18, WB released a trailer officially announcing the game. Let’s watch the trailer below!
I call dibs on Garnet!
MultiVersus is a free-to-play platform brawler where you and your friends can duke it out as Batman, Arya Stark, Jake the Dog, and a whole lot more. The game comes as no surprise as many believed that Space Jam: A New Legacy was an expensive promotion for the game. Even the animated film, Scoob, hinted at a shared universe.
Warner Bros now joins Nickelodeon and Nintendo in the battle for all-star fighting games. Will Disney revamp Disney Infinity to join the fight for supremacy? Only time will tell. Share your thoughts on the trailer in the comments and online.