The Matrix Resurrections New Poster Released


The Matrix Resurrections is the fourth installment of the hit franchise and marks the first entry in nearly two decades. Serving as a continuation of the story established in 1999’s The Matrix, the film reunites Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss as cinematic icons Neo & Trinity in an expansion of their story that ventures back into the Matrix and even deeper down the rabbit hole.

No official synopsis has been released, but the film promises to be:

“A mind-bending new adventure with action and epic scale, set in a familiar yet even more provocative world where reality is more subjective than ever and all that’s required to see the truth is to free your mind.”

In anticipation of the new release, a brand new poster has been released, giving us a closer look at characters both old and new. Check it out below.

The film also stars Yahya Abdul-Mateen II (Candyman 2021, Aquaman), Jessica Henwick (TV’s Iron Fist, Love and Monsters),  Jonathan Groff (Hamilton, TV’s Mindhunter), Neil Patrick Harris (Gone Girl), Priyanka Chopra Jonas (TV’s Quantico), Christina Ricci (TV’s Escaping the Madhouse: The Nellie Bly Story, The Lizzie Borden Chronicles), Telma Hopkins (TV’s Dead to Me), Eréndira Ibarra (Sense8, Ingobernable), Toby Onwumere (TV’s Empire), Max Riemelt (Sense8), Brian J. Smith (Sense8, Treadstone), and Jada Pinkett Smith (Angel Has Fallen, TV’s Gotham).

2003’s The Matrix Revolutions seemingly brought the franchise to an end, leaving the announcement of a fourth entry surprising to many, but the return of iconic characters alongside brand new faces has many fans wondering whether the new film will serve only as an epilogue to previous entries or spark a brand new trilogy. The filmmakers haven’t confirmed any specifics but  WarnerMedia Studios and Networks Chair and CEO Ann Sarnoff said that “Anytime Lana wants to make a movie, we’re all in.” 

The film is directed by franchise regular Lana Wachowski, who also wrote the screenplay alongside David Mitchell and Aleksander Hemon.

The Matrix Resurrections hits cinemas and HBO Max (for a 31-day release) on December 22nd.


Are you excited about the film’s release? Let us know in the comments section and on our social media pages.

About Scott Goldie

Born and raised in Yorkshire, England - Scott is very passionate about the Film and TV industry, and enjoys discussing it whenever he can. He is a life-long supporter of the Manchester United soccer team, and attends games regularly during the Premier League season. He is a great lover of travel and has visited many places over the years. In his spare time, he loves attending conventions, playing sports and getting out into nature. Scott's goal is to follow his passion for writing, explore new ways in which he can create content in the entertainment industry, and engage with like-minded people along the way.

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