Two More Christmas Movies Returning to the Big Screen

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas over at the movie theaters. I recently shared a list of Christmas films that will be playing at Regal Cinemas this holiday season, and now there are two more to add to that lineup! Unlike some of the movies on the previous list, however, these titles will not be exclusive to Regal: the following  two films will be playing at all participating theaters, including most AMC and Cinemark locations in addition to Regal Cinemas.

Friday, December 8 through Thursday, December 14 – Die Hard (1988)

Whether or not Die Hard counts as a Christmas movie is the subject of much debate, but I belong to the camp that believes it DOES count: my criteria for a film being a “Christmas movie” is simply that it is explicitly mentioned that it takes place on either Christmas Eve and/or Christmas Day, and Die Hard meets this requirement. If you are of a like mind and would like to add some action to your holiday season, the reissue of this Bruce Willis classic is NOW PLAYING until December 14th. You can buy tickets here or on your local theater’s app or website.

Monday, December 11 through Wednesday, December 13 – Tokyo Godfathers (2003)

If you love the found family trope as much as I do, this is the perfect film for you. This touching masterpiece is celebrating its 20th anniversary, and since it takes place on Christmas Eve there’s no better time than December to bring it back to theaters. The original Japanese version with English subtitles will be playing on the 11th and 13th, while the English dub will be playing on the 12th. You can buy tickets here or on your local theater’s app or website.

I will most definitely be catching a showing of Tokyo Godfathers; how about you? 

About Gabby Bee

Gabby has been obsessed with anime since she was just 9 years old, and is proud to say she has watched over 200 different series. But that’s not even her biggest claim to fame: she also lives on a farm with over 80 goats! Although anime and animals are her two favorite things in the world, she also loves music, books, and movies. Her day job is a middle school ESL teacher, and she is also a staff member at the New Jersey Renaissance Faire.

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