Transformers: Robots In Disguise in 2001 was an import of the Japanese Car Robots line and included Team Bullet Train. Railspike, Rapid Run, and Midnight Express comprised the team who could combine into Rail Racer! In Japan, it was J-4. J-5, and J-7 who combined into JRX. Captain Kyle reviews this Autobot combiner set that’s old enough to drink!
Trains are much more popular in Japan, which is why they had a set of Trainbots that formed Raiden and they came up with the Train Team for Car Robots in 2000. In a post-Beast Machines world, Hasbro decided to import the line and wasn’t going to exclude Team Bullet Train. So Midnight Express, Rapid Run, and Railspike were brought over, painted a bit differently, and released in the Robots in Disguise line. They combine into Rail Racer and really hate Decepticons who would bust up railroad tracks. Captain Kyle reviews each one individually and then in their combined form to see if this set is right for you.
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