Beast Wars II was a Japanese Transformer line that included Autojetter and Autolauncher, which were unused Generation 2 molds that were used to swell the ranks of the Destrons. Or Decepticons. Or Predacons. Whatever you want to call them. Captain Kyle reviews these G2 reject molds that found new life in the Japanese series.
Beast Wars was very popular in Japan, but they wanted more episodes than the U.S. produced. Therefore, they started a new cartoon, Beast Wars II (or Beast Wars the Second) that included some new molds like LioConvoy and BWII Galvatron, some recolors of non-show Beast Wars characters, such as Bonecrusher recolored into Bighorn and B’Boom becoming Apache, plus some Machines Wars and Generation 2 molds. A few of these molds were never released, but they were recolored and repurposed as Autojetter and Autolauncher. Captain Kyle talks about these molds, shows the original prototypes and breaks down these unique Destron Autoroller Transformers.
You can find these unique and cool items on eBay by clicking here: (when available) along with their two companions, Autostinger and Autocrusher.
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