Halo Infinite is the next iteration in the long-standing franchise. The new game is slated to release on December 8, 2021, for Xbox consoles and PC. Infinite is a little over a week away, to drum up more excitement, Xbox, released a live-action trailer on their official YouTube Channel. Lucky, for you, we have the trailer right here. Let’s watch!
This trailer shows us the potential of a live-action series of the game. We would definitely co-sign if it was similar to this.
Halo Infinite‘s plot centers on the Master Chief’s efforts to locate a new artificial intelligence known by the codename “The Weapon” and, with her assistance, determine the whereabouts of the Chief’s former AI companion Cortana, finally putting an end to both threats.
Are you excited about Halo Infinite? Share with us what you love about the franchise in the comments below or online.