The Transformers War for Cybertron Golden Disk edition of Terrorsaur is an homage to the original Beast Wars character and toy. Captain Kyle examines this Amazon Exclusive version of the character in detail and lets you know if he’s cool or should be dropped in lava.
Terrorsaur was a Predacon that was part of Megatron’s forces in the Beast Wars CGI-Animated show and was similar to Starscream in how he longed to take over leadership of the Predacons. Though he was not nearly as outspoken about it. His original toy was a flip-changer Transformer and there was also a Transmetal version of the character, though in the show he didn’t ever become a Transmetal warrior as he supposedly fell into a crevice and presumably melted in lava. Still, he was a fun character in the show and a great toy. This new version is part of the Golden Disk Collection from WFC Kingdom and Captain Kyle examines it, and the golden disk it comes with, to determine how great a figure it might be.
To get this toy, you might try eBay with this link:
Also available on Ali Express:
Also on Ali Express is an upgrade kit with additional weapons and buttons to keep the wings from falling off:
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