Shockwave is a Transformer who was popular from the moment he appeared in the Transformers cartoon. Loyal servant of Megatron and Guardian of Cybertron, he proved his dedication to the Decepticon cause numerous times. This Pocket Toys Trans Sphere version, TS.03 Defender is full of “Evil Energy” and is small enough that many Combiner Wars gestalts, such as Bruticus, could claim a new weapon.
This small version of Shockwave, unlike many of the new versions, actually transforms into a laser gun as the G1 version did. Though this one is much smaller than the original. This knock off comes in a nice box that declares it has “evil energy” and also comes with extra interchangeable hands.
Shockwave is a great character and this is a great, if unofficial, version of the character. Whether you enjoyed the G1 cartoon version or the G1 comic book version, who was far different in personality, this is a great toy for you.
You can find this toy on eBay here: Pocket Toys Shockwave