The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 7, “Broken Promises,” follows Eugene, Princess and Ezekiel as they face punishment in the Commonwealth, Yumiko’s navigation of this huge community, Daryl and Leah go on a killing picnic and Negan and Maggie set aside their differences for the moment. Much to unpack here and the Governor reacts to it all. WARNING: Spoilers for this episode.
TWD S11E07 follows Maggie and her few companions as they try to figure out how to defeat the Reapers and take back all the food and supplies that were stolen. Negan and Maggie work out an uneasy truce and Negan teaches the little band a different way of fighting an overwhelming force. Daryl and Leah go scouting and come across a family in need. And Eugene makes an understandable blunder while on biter clearing duty that puts Alexandria at risk. Oh, and Yumiko’s brother is arrested. Lots of fun for the Governor and his puppet sidekick to discuss.
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Footage from The Walking Dead 11×07 is owned by AMC and used in compliance with fair use guidelines.