Production has started for Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3. Veteran actor Sylvester Stallone, who plays Stakar Ogard, took to his personal Instagram to share his new costume.
Stallone’s character is the captain of the Ravagers. Stakar Ogard is also known as Starhawk in the comics and is also a rival of Yondu. In an end credit scene for Guardians Vol. 2, we saw Stakar with his crewmates Charlie-21, Krugarr, Mainframe, Martinex, and Aleta and he vowed to bring the band back together.
We don’t have much information on what the Ravagers’ roles will be in Vol. 3 but it may be safe to say he has assembled his space crew. Also if we use context clues from previous films and the trajectory of the most recent shows and films, it’s possible that we may be introduced to Major Victory and reintroduced to the Inhuman, Black Bolt.
What are your theories on Stakar’s role in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 will be? Share them with us in the comments and online.