This week we’re shining our spotlight on Virginia cosplayer Steve, AKA RεšCøsρλαγś’ (he/him)!

How long have you been a cosplayer?
I’ve been cosplaying since 2013. The first time I actually cosplay [sic] was at a Halloween party in college.
What got you into cosplay?
It started in 2012. I was on Facebook and saw posts that had pictures of my closest friend I look up to dressing up as Captain America for Halloween. This was the initial motivating factor to cosplay. It wasn’t until I attended Otakon in Baltimore the summer of the following year where I was surrounded by various cosplayers and lit my motivation to the highest level. I said to myself “I’m going to do it” and “it will be my new hobby.”
Do you make, buy, or is it a combination?
It is a combination but for the most part I buy because I really can’t sew. However recently, I’ve been teaching myself how to build props and armor out of EVA foam so I guess that still counts as DIY.

First cosplay?
My first cosplay was Link from The Legend of Zelda. I used a plain green T-shirt and turned it inside out, modify [sic] it so that it looks like a tunic, added the brown cargo pants, made leather bracers, and added the boots. The Master Sword and Shield I got at a con.
Latest cosplay?
My latest cosplay is Zack Fair from Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core.
Favorite thing about being a cosplayer?
Mostly it is being in character. I enjoy dressing up as another character because you get this feeling like you’re bringing that character to life. It’s also like stage play where you can act it out either by yourself or with your friends. You can reenact your favorite scenes in anime or video games too. Another favorite part is making new friends from other parts of the country when going to conventions especially if it’s the one time of the year that you get to see them.
Least favorite thing?
Definitely cosplaying a character that is not suitable for the weather (hot or cold). There are times where I dressed up a character that is geared towards the cold weather on hot summer days and vice versa which gets very uncomfortable. It’s also the uncomfortable shoes I have to wear. Don’t get me started on this Demon Slayer clogs. lol
What do you do for work outside of cosplay?
I’m a data analyst. I love building reports with charts and graphs. Sometimes I code.
What are your top 3 fandoms?
Fairy Tail
My Hero Academia
Jujutsu Kaisen

What cosplay are you planning next?
Vegeta in his Super Saipan Blue form. My best friend is a huge fan of Dragon Ball and he does Goku. For a long time he wants me to be his Vegeta to match with his Goku. Not only that, it is honor [sic] the late Akira Toriyama the author of the Dragon Ball manga series.
What’s one piece of advice for new cosplayers?
Start small and eventually work and improve as your continue to grow. Definitely cosplay a character you love and/or being [sic] the character to life.
Where can people find you on social media?
On Instagram and Facebook @rescosplays.
Below is a gallery of some of our featured subject’s cosplays! (All photo credits use the photographer’s Instagram handle.)