The Transformers Combiner Wars Constructicons, who merge into the mighty Devastator, are a great set of toys. However, Hasbro did not provide individual toy guns for the six members of the team, instead, they used parts from the Devastator build to outfit them… poorly. Captain Kyle reviews a set of weapons designed to fill this gap and properly arm Scrapper, Scavenger, Long Haul, Mixmaster, Hook, and Bonecrusher. Watch to see if this set is worth it!
The original G1 Constructicons were fine toys and each of them, when purchased individually, came with parts to join them into Devastator, which could also be used as additional weapons in their vehicle modes, and individual guns for robot mode. When Hasbro put out the Combiner Wars Devastator, they neglected the individual guns, something that Takara did not overlook with the Unite Warriors Devastator. However, if you already have the Combiner Wars version, buying a whole new set just to get the hand weapons seems excessive. So, Captain Kyle found a set of weapons that can serve and reviews them in depth.
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