From Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Johnny Yong Bosch gave a panel at Terrificon 2022 to talk about this classic show, his career, and to answer fan questions.
Johnny Yong Bosch played Adam, the Black Ranger, in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the Green Zeo Ranger in Power Rangers Zeo, the Green Turbo Ranger in Power Rangers Turbo, and even appeared as the Black Ranger in Power Rangers in Space. He is also a very accomplished voice actor, which roles in Akira, Bleach, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Trigun, The Prince of Tennis, Blade, Ark Exitus, Tiger & Bunny, Black Clover, and Baki to name a few.
This panel was moderated by Joe Stuber of the Comic Book Central Podcast ( on July 29th, 2022.
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