Actor and Voice Actor Phil LaMarr spoke to us at Keystone Comic Con about comics, voice roles, projects and more! He has entertained us with so many voices. John Stewart in Justice League and Justice League Unlimited, Hermes on Futurama, Static Shock, Samurai Jack, Ollie on Family Guy and so many more!
Phil LaMarr has an incredible career. From sketch comedy on MADtv to serious roles in Pulp Fiction, he has gone on to be known for over 250 characters from some of our favorite animated series! From playing the Green Lantern, Static Shock, Aquaman, Firestorm and other super heroes, to Star Wars characters like Bail Organa, Orn Free Taa and Kit Fisto. Plus roles in various video games and Robot Chicken!
Check out his new project, Goblins Animated at
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