NJ Gamer Symphony Orchestra Announces Spring 2024 Concert

Mark your calendars, East Coast music and video game lovers: the New Jersey Gamer Symphony Orchestra’s Spring 2024 concert will be on Saturday, June 15th at Montville Township High School in Montville, NJ (Morris County). Doors open at 1:30 PM and the concert is set to begin at 2:00 PM. Admission is technically free, but a donation of at least $10 is recommended. Tickets can be reserved here via TicketLeap.

The NJGSO was founded by conductor Alyssa Menes in 2016 in Montclair, New Jersey. Today, the ensemble includes 50 musicians and vocalists and has performed at fandom events such as Super MAGFest in 2023. This concert’s setlist will include performances of music from popular video games including Kirby, Baldur’s Gate 3, Mario Galaxy, and Deltarune. 

You can watch their Spring 2023 concert here.

About Gabby Bee

Gabby has been obsessed with anime since she was just 9 years old, and is proud to say she has watched over 200 different series. But that’s not even her biggest claim to fame: she also lives on a farm with over 80 goats! Although anime and animals are her two favorite things in the world, she also loves music, books, and movies. Her day job is a middle school ESL teacher, and she is also a staff member at the New Jersey Renaissance Faire.

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