How Well Do You Know These AAPI Fandom Actors? Take our Quiz to Find out!

To Celebrate AAPI Heritage Month, we created a quiz featuring some of our favorite AAPI fandom actors. These are only 10 but there are plenty of Asian American & Pacific Islander fandom actors out there! Share with us your quiz results and your favorite AAPI actors.


Besides Street Fighter, what other video game movie did Ming-Na Wen star in?

This game has been around just as long as Street Fighter
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Correct! Wrong!

Ming-Na Wen voiced the lead role in Final Fantasy: Spirit Within.

Brandon Lee is most known for his role as The Crow. He worked with fandom actor Dolph Lundgren in what film?

Think about what role Brandon Lee would have been playing
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Brandon Lee worked with Dolph Lundgren in Showdown in Little Tokyo. He was a young officer. Lee was able to show off his martial arts in this film.

What character did Lee Byung Hun play in the live-action G.I. Joe films?

This character and his rival represent Ying & Yang.
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Lee Byung Hun's Storm Shadow was one of the few characters who returned for the 2nd film. In Snake Eyes his role will be played by Warrior actor, Andrew Koji.

Michelle Yeoh got her acting start in Hong Kong but what is her nationality?

It's not Chinese
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Michelle Yeoh is Malaysian. She even represented her home country in a Miss World Pageant in the 90s!

Lucy Liu does a lot of voice acting, which of these did she lend her voice to?

emphasis on A LOT
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Lucy Liu's voice has been in film, tv, and even video games.

How many versions of Jet Li's character in The One existed?

there is a bit of math involved
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The evil one believed he needed to kill 124 versions of himself to be the only one. Evil Li had already killed 123, making good Li 124. Leaving Evil Li the last one but number 125.

Besides Moana, The Rock showcased his heritage in what other film?

It's a spin-off of a popular franchise.
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In Hobbs & Shaw, The final showdown takes place in Samoa. Dwayne Johnson's Mother is Samoan and he often celebrates his heritage.

Which of these fandom films did Jason Momoa NOT star in?

The keyword is film.
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While Jason Momoa was in the TV series Stargate: Atlantis, he was not in the original film.

Bruce Lee's Kato teamed up with what other DC Hero?

Think about the time period the Green Hornet show came out.
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The Green Hornet and Kato appeared on the 1966 Batman series! You can even watch the episode on YouTube.

Korean actor & singer Rain starred in Ninja Assasin. What nostalgia fandom Film was he in before landing his role in Ninja Assasin?

The two films have something in common besides Rain himself.
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Rain played racer, Taejo Togokahn. Producers on Speed Racer loved Rain's performance so much, they created Ninja Assasin just for him.

How Well Do You Know These Asian & Pacific Islander Fandom Actors?

You have brought dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow, and your whole family.
Maybe you need a cup of tea

A good cup of tea may help you focus. Have some while you study up on these amazing actors.
You're on Fire!

Wow, not bad! We think if you took the quiz again, you would nail it!
And one more thing: You're Amazing!

High five! You nailed this quiz! Feel free to brag to all your friends! And one more thing: We're proud of you!

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About Yali Perez

When she's not writing about pop culture for Fandom Spotlite, curating social media for the*gameHERS, or helping to produce the DB4L podcast, she is a single mom to the coolest kid in the world. In Yali's free time she likes to bake, exercise, watch horror films, and play Mario Kart. Yali's goal as a writer is to share her nontraditional and colorful view of the world with readers everywhere.

View all posts by Yali Perez

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