The Sun is Out, Galick Gun is Out!
This Summer is SUPER with the release of Dragon Ball‘s newest film--Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. Super Hero hits theaters stateside on August 19, 2022. Our flagship podcast, Dragon Ball 4 Life & our sponsor The Bow Peeps are hosting an epic giveaway to celebrate the film’s release!
Enter to win a prizepack worth over $150:
- A $50 virtual gift card to The Bow Peeps
- A Future Trunks Figurine
- A DBZ Series 3 Figural Bag Clip
- A Replica Dragon Ball Set inside a Radar
- Super Saiyan Socks
- Volume 1 of the Dragon Ball Super Manga
There are two ways to enter! You can use this link —->Enter Here<—- and follow the instructions!
Or you can listen to the DB4L Podcast and listen for the 4 secret code words! Once you have them all slide in DB4L’s DMs and submit all 4 code words!

Or do both and increase your chance of winning! The giveaway ends on August 20th and we will announce the winner on August 21, 2022.
We at Fandom Spotlite, DB4L, and The Bow Peeps wish you all good luck!