Stars of the Alien and Terminator franchises Lance Henriksen, Michael Biehn, and Edward Furlong gave a panel at Steel City Con December 2022 to talk about these sci-fi franchises, their experiences, and to answer fan questions.
Lance Henriksen played Detective Hal Vukovich in The Terminator and Bishop in Aliens, plus various versions of Bishop in Aliens vs. Predator and various Aliens video games. He is also known for his roles in Hard Target, Hannibal, Static Shock, Powder, The Quick and the Dead, No Escape, Damien: Omen II, and many, many more.
Michael Biehn played Kyle Reese in The Terminator and Corporal Hicks in Aliens. He is also known for his roles in Tombstone, The Abyss, Clockstoppers, Adventure Inc, The Mandalorian, The Walking Dead, and many more.
Edward Furlong played John Connor in Terminator 2: Judgment Day, and is also known for his roles in American History X, The Green Hornet, Detroit Rock City, The Mortician, CSI: NY, Pet Semetary II, and more.
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Check out the Terminator 2 panel from New Jersey Horror Con!