From Beast Wars, Hasbro has decided to reissue the Predacon Retrax. Seriously. While it has interesting gimmicks, it’s definitely towards the bottom of the list of Transformers we’d like to get. Captain Kyle reviews an original, highlights the upcoming differences in the reissue, and asks why this figure?
Retrax is a pill bug. His robot mode looks like a bot desperate for affection. Might as well give him a shirt that says “Free Hugs.” He was featured in the IDW Beast Wars continuity, but it is doubtful he was one of the more popular characters. Hasbro has decided to re-release him. You can anticipate a lot of these figures warming pegs at Walmart for quite some time.
If you want to find this guy, he is available for preorder on:
Hasbro Pulse:
eBay (will include vintage):
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