Avatar: The Last Airbender is known worldwide as one of the best animes…PERIOD! Yes, it is an anime because it has a beach episode. The series will soon be getting an anime and live-action revival, thanks to Netflix.
Fanboy Expo Knoxville will be hosting an Avatar: The Last Airbender reunion with 5 of the voice cast from the show. Cricket Leigh, Jennie Kwan, Olivia Hack, Jack DeSena, and Jessie Flowers will reunite during a live panel.

Those attending the convention will also have the opportunity to get the cast’s autographs and a photo with the voice talent.
Avatar: The Last Airbender won’t be the only show representing the viral world of anime. Fans can look forward to meeting voice talent from My Hero Academia, Dragon Ball Z, Attack on Titan, One Piece, and other big-name series.
Tennessee’s Largest Pop Culture Event, Fanboy Expo Knoxville is back on August 5-7, 2022 at the Knoxville Convention Center. This Summer staple event features Celebrity Guests, Comic Industry Pros, Cosplay, Vendors, Live Entertainment, and much more!
Don’t miss the summer convention that over 30, 000 people flock to every year! Get your tickets now and start planning your con schedule!