Transformers Beast Wars Cybershark has been reissued by Hasbro as a Walmart Exclusive. Why? Captain Kyle ponders this question while reviewing this aquatic Maximal who was never featured in the show (or in the Japanese shows).
Cybershark transforms from robot to hammerhead shark and prowls the seas looking for his Predacon prey. While a cool toy, this mold was not used, as is, for any of the Beast Wars shows. A remold and redeco gave us Hellscream and the U.S. version Overbite, while another retool have us Sharp Edge. While this is an overall good toy, reissuing this toy instead of Silverbolt, Quickstrike, Rampage, or Depth Charge is odd. They could also reissue Mach Kick, Break, or Stampy as well. But we got Cybershark.
If you’d like to get Cybershark, which is a great toy, check out:
Hasbro Pulse: