The Transformers Bumblebee movie was a great success and many found it superior to previous live-action movies. Ravage and Shockwave are two Decepticons featured in the epic Cybertron scene and we now have core class Studio Series versions of these characters. Captain Kyle examines them both in their robot and… another mode… to figure out if they are as cool as their movie appearance.
Ravage is one of the crew led by the Decepticon Communication Officer Soundwave. He has had many versions over the years, transforming into cassettes, disks and there was even a Beast Wars version. This popular character is now in a core class (basic) size and transforms into… well, you’ll see.
Shockwave has been a stalwart Decepticon since the days of G1 and has transformed into a giant space gun and various hover crafts and battle tanks. The new Studio Series version is on a scale with his basic-sized releases and is definitely some kind of Cybertronian tank.
If you’d like to get these figures, you can try:
Amazon: Ravage –, Shockwave –
Entertainment Earth: (set of both figures)
eBay: Ravage –, Shockwave –
Transformers is a registered trademark of Hasbro, Inc.