The Transformers Micromasters appeared at the end of the Generation One line and in Japan, Micromaster Combiner Teams were released exclusively. The Sixbuilder team was one of those and was reissued in 2002 along with a chase version on the Destron side. Captain Kyle reviews these, plus the Kaybee Toys exclusive Micromaster Devastator which uses the same mold.
Sixbuilder is an Autobot Micromaster team, though in Japan they are known as Cybertron and the Decepticons there, known as Destron, came up with a green counterpart to Sixbuilder merely known as Destron Sixbuilder. All the individual team members on both sides had the same names. Both teams had Crush-Bull, Digger, Gran Arm, Iron Lift, Mixing and Treader. Shortly after being reissued, Hasbro used the same mold to release a Micromaster Devastator as a KB Toys exclusive. They did change some of the names. While Bonecrusher, Long Haul and Scavenger remained with their original names, Scrapper, Mixmaster and Hook became Buckethead, QuickMix and Hightower.
If you’d like to get these, you can try eBay with these links:
For the ORIGINAL G1 versions:
For the Reissue of Sixbuilder:
For the Destron version: (very hard to find) – for one set
For the Micromaster Devastator:
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