The Transformers cassettes that are the minions of Soundwave and Blaster have always been popular toys, so it’s inevitable that knock offs would be made. These particular cassette Transformer knock offs are oversized, so you can get both your Decepticon and Autobot cassettes supersized, though brightly colored.
In this review, Captain Kyle will show you oversized knockoffs of the Decepticons Rumble / Frenzy mold, Ravage, Slugfest, Overkill and the Autobots Dairu and Zaur molds, Cassettebots that were exclusive to Japan in the G1 Transformers era. Captain Kyle demonstrates these fun toys in their various modes.
If you would like to find these, you can find 4 of them on AliExpress using this link:
You might have to search on eBay for the others and check often. Use this link here: – but be aware that some people are trying to sell them for a lot of money. Be patient and only spend what you think they are worth.
Fair warning that knock offs may not be up to the quality standards of genuine Hasbro and Takara produced Transformers.