Transformers in the Legacy line continues to pay homage to previous lines, and Armada Starscream has been given the full Legacy treatment. Captain Kyle compares this new version of the character to the original Starscream from Armada, who is complete with his Minicon Swindle. Which are best for your collection?
If you like Captain Kyle’s shirt, you can get it at
Transformers Armada introduced the Minicons, who could provide new abilities to any Transformer to whom they bond (and attach to), whether Autobot or Decepticon. Starscream managed to get Swindle to become his Minicon partner, despite Megatron’s efforts. This voyager-sized toy was one of the larger versions of Starscream and the Legacy line just released a new version. Which is smaller, but still cool. Which is better? You decide.
The Legacy Armada Starscream may still be available through these retailers, or you can check the eBay link:
Entertainment Earth:
Hasbro Pulse:
eBay: (Some upgrade kits/weapons are also available)
For the original Transformers Armada Starscream, try:
eBay: (You will also see Legacy Armada Starscream and the Generations version)
Transformers and Starscream are registered trademarks of Hasbro, Inc.
Fan of Starscream? Check out this Third Party Coronation Starscream!