TRANSFORMERS Soundwave Third Party EVIL ENERGY Review
In Transformers, Soundwave is one of the most popular Decepticons and characters overall. You can tell by how many versions, both official and not, exist. This one is the Trans Sphere PT-04 Pocket Toys Evil Energy Tuner.S version of Soundwave. Captain Kyle reviews it to see if it could find a place in your collection.
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Soundwave is definitely a great character and toy. The fact his chest can contain lots of cassettes that become Decepticons in their own right makes him a formidable foe to the Autobots. In this video, we will show you the Tuner.S version of Soundwave and even do some comparisons to the latest Legends size Soundwave that was released by Hasbro. Captain Kyle goes through this toy and his THREE cassettes in detail so you can decide if you would like him to grace your shelf.
To get this toy, you can check:
AliExpress: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DcQB3ab
eBay: https://ebay.us/eecXSA
Please note this toy is not manufactured by Hasbro or Takara Tomy, and therefore they will assume no liability in regard to its quality.
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TRANSFORMERS Soundwave Third Party EVIL ENERGY Review Read More