NEW Percy Jackson Novel Coming Next September!

2022 has been a phenomenal year for Percy Jackson fans. First, we found out back in May that Rick Riordan himself helped pick the actors that will play Percy, Annabeth, and Grover—the series’ main trio—in the upcoming Disney+ series. Several other casting announcements followed throughout the year, including Jason Mantzoukas as Mr. D and Virginia Kull as Percy’s mom. Then, in September, Disney released an epic teaser trailer for the series:

But the exciting updates don’t stop at the news about the TV series: new books are coming, too! Yes, books, plural. Later in September, Riordan revealed the cover art for The Sun and the Star, which he had announced a little over a year ago and will be co-writing with Mark Oshiro. This book will focus on one of the fandom’s favorite couples: Will and Nico. According to Goodreads, the expected publication date is May 2, 2023.

As if that isn’t enough to have fans quaking with anticipation and perhaps sobbing with joy, Riordan shared last week that we can expect yet ANOTHER new Camp Half-Blood novel in 2023! After Percy shared the protagonist spotlight with Jason Grace in The Heroes of Olympus series from 2010 to 2014, and the god Apollo became the narrator of the 2016-2020 series The Trials of Apollo, this new book, titled The Chalice of the Gods, will return to the series’ roots and feature Percy, Annabeth, and Grover as the three central characters. Chronologically, the story will take place after The Heroes of Olympus and either before or during The Trials of Apollo, positioning it as book #11 in the Camp Half-Blood Chronicles. The hardcover edition will be 256 pages, which is admittedly shortly for a Percy Jackson novel, but at the same time, that’s still 256 whole pages of brand new Percy Jackson content! 

Need to refresh or catch up on the Percy Jackson stories? Box sets of the first two series, Percy Jackson and the Olympians and The Heroes of Olympusare available at Barnes & Noble. You can also purchase The Trials of Apollobut keep in mind that The Chalice of the Gods will likely take place before this series, so if you’re new to the fandom, you might want to wait until it comes out next September and then start The Trials of Apollo afterward so you can follow the timeline. You can also fill in the time between now and September 26, 2023 by checking out Riordan’s other two trilogies that take place in the same universe as the Percy Jackson books but focus on different mythologies (Egyptian and Norse, respectively): The Kane Chronicles and Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard.

Which new novel are you more excited about: The Sun and the Star or The Chalice of the Gods? Did you ever expect that Percy, Annabeth, and Grover would get another book, or were you completely surprised by this news? Let me know in the comments!

About Gabby Bee

Gabby has been obsessed with anime since she was just 9 years old, and is proud to say she has watched over 200 different series. But that’s not even her biggest claim to fame: she also lives on a farm with over 80 goats! Although anime and animals are her two favorite things in the world, she also loves music, books, and movies. Her day job is a middle school ESL teacher, and she is also a staff member at the New Jersey Renaissance Faire.

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