Netflix has just announced that it has canceled its live-action adaptation of Cowboy Bebop. The show, based on the 90s Japanese anime series of the same name was initially released on November 19, 2021, and lasted for 10 episodes. The series is developed by Christopher Yost, who is known for his work on movies such as Thor: The Dark World (2013) and Thor: Ragnarok (2017).
The starring cast of the show included John Cho, Mustafa Shakir, Daniella Pineda, Elena Satine, and Alex Hassell who play a ragtag group of bounty hunters who chase down criminals across the Solar System in their spaceship. While the show was praised for its casting, a lot of fans of the original work and viewers of the TV show criticized the writing and pacing of the story. Many felt that the new adaptation failed to capture what made the anime one of the best examples of the Space Western genre.
While the series has racked up millions of viewing hours worldwide since its debut, numbers have been slowing down. Cowboy Bebop is Netflix’s latest attempt at anime adaptations for the streaming platform which include the Death Note live-action film in 2017. An adaptation of One Piece for Netflix is currently in the works. This leads us to wonder what other anime will the Netflix remake in the future. (And will they do them justice?)