James Wan, the master architect of horror, is returning to his roots with this new original horror thriller. Malignant stars Annabelle Wallis as Madison. Madison is paralyzed by shocking visions of grisly murders, and her torment worsens as she discovers that these waking dreams are in fact terrifying realities. *Turns on the lights while I type this* Madison will have to dig into her childhood past in order to stop the evil invading her dreams and real life. Take a look at the trailer for yourself!
Good luck with that, Madison. Sheesh!
Malignant will be released on September 10, 2021, in theaters nationwide and on HBO Max. The film it will be available on HBO Max for 31 days from the theatrical release. Malignant has been rated R for strong horror violence and gruesome images, and for language.
Are you excited to see Wan’s latest horror film? Will you be watching this one with the lights on or off? Chat with us in the comments and online using the hashtag: #MalignantMovie
By the way… what’s that behind you? 0.o